Latinas with Masters Podcast ~ Season 1 Episode 6 ~ From the Bay to Germany ~ Gabriela's Pursuit to her Masters Degree in Brand Management
On this week's episode of Latinas with Masters Podcast, Christina Rodriguez interviews #FutureLatinawithMasters Gabriela Arvely, before she embarks on her journey from the Bay to Germany on her pursuit of a Masters degree in Brand Management. She shares with us her experience attending San Francisco State University as a first generation Latina and her opportunity to study abroad in Germany as an undergrad that ultimately lead her back to Germany for graduate school. Not only will Gabriela be a graduate student studying abroad, she will also be managing her jewelry business Arvely Jewelry @arvelyjewelry and hosting her new podcast, Too Unfiltered @toounfiltered with her BFF Emily! This will not be the last time her hear of Gabriela as she is an ambition business woman, podcaster and a #FutureLatinawithMasters determined to rise!